Typesetting, software and design
Yes, we set type, but in these days of textstreams and markup languages, eBooks and PDFs, we do a lot more than just set type.
We are devotees of the Adobe family – InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat – to design and set page after attractive and well-designed page, but we do not forget the decades of typographic tradition that make a book feel absolutely right, a joy to read and navigate.
We make full use of software resources to use an author's word-processed files as the basis for beautiful typesetting. We know which typefaces work in which books, how equations, bibliographies and appendices should be laid out, how pictures can be used to their best advantage.
We offer an extensive font library so you can choose that perfect look for your project. We combine years of experience in book and magazine design with an understanding of the benefits of digital graphics. We can work for you or alongside your own design personnel to realise exactly the sort of look you want.
Among the services we can offer are: sample page layouts for a project and colour proofing at each stage of a design process.